Best Natural Energy Boosters That Really Work

Energy slumps are something that everyone experiences at one time or the other. While there are artificial sources of energy like energy drinks, coffee or stimulants, the best natural energy boosters can come by working them into your every day lifestyle. Here are some ideas that can give you that pick me up without giving you an energy rush and subsequent letdown.

Get Your Water and Keep Yourself Hydrated.

Dehydration is a common source of loss of energy. Are you getting enough water? A good rule of thumb is to look at the color of your urine. Darker color urine is a good indicator that you’re not drinking enough water.

The amount of water an individual needs can vary from person to person. There are some ideas where you can consume more water if you’re not getting enough. CDC recommendations on the benefits of drinking more water are useful and can help you increase your energy through the day.

Don’t overlook this as a basic block of being a natural energy booster. The human body consists of 60 to 70 percent water. Minerals and vitamins you need are transported through your body by means of water. Be sure to take in enough so you function properly daily.

Get Enough Sleep Every Day.

It goes without saying, sleep is the human body’s way of recharging its’ energy. The National Sleep Foundation gives guidelines as to how much sleep you should get based on your age. Sleep is a critical factor on how much energy you will have during the day.

Not everyone will necessarily sleep during the day. Night time and rotating shift workers often need to sleep during the day to have enough energy to perform their jobs. Our circadian rhythms have a lot to do with our natural energy cycles.

If you do work non traditional hours there are tips you can use to improve your sleep. First, sleep in a room where you can minimize exposure to light. Lower the temperature of the room where you are sleeping. Try to keep as regular a sleep schedule as possible to get good quality sleep.

When working at night, try to keep normal meal times. Eat light meals at night. A lot of people do drink coffee to improve alertness at night but avoid drinking coffee four hours before bedtime.

Get Enough Iron in Your Diet To Help Your Energy Needs.

Iron plays a vital role in providing energy to the cells in your body. It is the main component in hemoglobin in the red blood cells. It allows these cells to carry oxygen throughout the body where it is used to produce the energy your body needs to function.

Having enough iron present in your system prevents fatigue and reduced brain function. Good sources of iron in our diets include red meat, seafood, green leafy vegetables and some fruits. Not having sufficient iron will often be the source of low energy.

If you are having iron supply issues, you will need to work with your doctor or medical professional to address it. Taking iron supplements is a tricky proposition and will need to be monitored to do it properly. Eating a diet where you get natural sources of iron is a good approach as a foundation to give your body what it needs to function.

Vitamin B Complex Plays a Role in Energy Production in the Body.

There are eight types of Vitamin B that play a role in creating energy. They do this by helping in the production of blood cells, processing food for energy, and the maintenance of skin cells in the body. While I won’t go into detail here, these chemical compounds do a great deal of the work of energy production for the body.

A brief description of the vitamin B complex mineral components for the body are as follows:

  • Thiamine – A critical component for energy to the body’s cells.
  • Riboflavin – Helps build red blood cells and helps the body break down fats, carbs and proteins.
  • Niacin – Helps with the body’s energy metabolism process.
  • Pantothenic Acid – Helps with the formation of hair, skin and eyes. Helps with internal organ functioning and is involved with hormone production.
  • Pyridoxidine – Functioning of the central nervous system and energy production.
  • Biotin – Maintenance of body tissues and energy production.
  • Folic Acid – Cell growth and DNA formation.
  • Cobalamin (B12) – Nerve cell and red blood cell production. It is also involved in brain cell production and function.

Meditation and Breathing are Natural Energy Boosters.

Practicing meditation and deep breathing techniques are a great way to increase your energy. They help you to regulate heart beat, decrease blood pressure and to take in much-needed oxygen to your blood cells. While I won’t get into specific mediation methods, here are some simple tips for incorporating mediation into your daily lifestyle.

  • Find a quiet place to do your meditation.
  • Close your eyes and use your meditation time to focus.
  • Sit real still and take deep, slow breaths in and out.
  • Try to quiet your mind while you meditate.

Fruits and Vegetables Can Help You Boost Your Energy.

In terms of food intake, fruits and vegetables are great sources of energy. Here are some specific recommendations to focus on that can help.

  1. Beets are a great source of energy. They are a great source of nitrates and can help blood circulation which naturally boosts energy. They have antioxidant properties and are a natural source of fiber.
  2. Citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons and grapefruit contain lots of vitamin C. They are great for heart health and have many anti-inflammatory properties.
  3. Green leafy vegetables are powerhouses of energy. They contain many vitamin B complex minerals and just like beets, are significant sources of nitrates that increase blood circulation. They are great sources of fiber. Some good recommended green leafy vegetables to include in your diet include kale, collards, spinach. turnips and arugula greens.

Aerobic Exercise Can Get Your Blood Pumping and Increase Your Energy.

You don’t have to go to the gym to get good aerobic exercise. Short walks, sport activities such as basketball, tennis, golf or something you take pleasure in can help you get the exercise you need to increase your energy levels. Movement is the key here so get moving! Your heart endurance and energy levels will increase. Shoot for greater than 150 minutes a week to get the best benefit.

Putting Your Energy Plan Into Focus and Action

Focus on the different components of your energy to keep it working for you. First, analyze your daily habits and see where you can make improvements in your lifestyle. If you are getting fatigued easily or on a regular basis, work the simple things first to see if they help.

Make sure you stay hydrated and take in enough water to do the job. Water helps with vitamin and mineral absorption and provides a foundation for your energy. Measure your water to make sure you get what you need.

Iron, other vitamins and minerals make your body function as it should. Get a varied diet that includes everything you need. If you follow the suggestions listed in this article, it will go a long way toward increasing the energy you need throughout the day.

I take a good multivitamin supplement to help me with my needs every day. While I did not list it in the article, it is a good way to insure you get what you need. If you keep having trouble with low energy, please seek the help of a medical professional. They are a good source of diagnosing issues and ailments that might be affecting your energy. Executing your energy plan will help you become a better person, help you to live better and to feel better.

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  1. These are some great suggestions for naturally boosting energy. Many in which I didn’t realize impacted my energy so much! I know that I do not get enough water or sleep and that could be a huge factor in why I feel so depleted. I am going to work on trying to increase my water intake and try to get more sleep. 

    Thanks again for such an informative post!

  2. I like to do a lot of meditation but one thing you talked about that I will start incorporating more of is the breathing techniques. My question is should I be doing breathing technique everyday or is it a weekly thing? 

    I pretty much meditate every day. But I think breathing exercises with me a real game changer for me.

    1. Usually deep breathing slows heart beat and improves oxygen flow. A few minutes each day at a time and place of your choosing should suffice. The idea is to increase your energy by helping to reduce stress.

  3. Hey great information you have and an overall useful post!

    I really needed a post titled this since currently I wouldn’t say I am feeling 100%! After reading through I think I am definitely in need of an average of 8 hour sleep which these days I having been falling short of.

    My diet is definitely nothing to brag about since it mainly consists of junk and sugary foods! Therefore adding in a bunch of these health boosters will I know get me feeling healthier and better in no time!

    Have a great day!

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