Essential Oil Uses – Benefits You Might Not Know

Essential oils are finally going mainstream in our society as solutions for problems each of us face every day. People who have never thought about all the good things that can be obtained by using essential oils are beginning to explore using these natural substances in the place of commercial products. Here are some essential oil uses that are beneficial and how you can apply them.

Where Do Essential Oils Come From and How Can You Use Them?

Essential oils are plant extracts that are derived from nature distilled into concentrated oils. Processes to make these oils often involve harvesting many plants and creating the oils we love. One example is tea tree oil which comes from the leaves of the Australian tea tree.

This process of concentration usually means that as little as a few drops of an oil can go a long way, Lavender oil, which is used in aromatherapy, can be employed in as little as 3 or 4 drops to make an unforgettable bath experience. Orange or lemon oils can be added to homemade cleaners in a few drops that makes an incredible scent.

Because of this concentration, remember that the cardinal rule of using essential oils is that a little goes a long way. A few drops is usually all you need. These miracle botanicals are useful to us in many ways.

Antimicrobial and Antibacterial properties

Many essential oils have antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. Tea tree oil is often used for small cuts and abrasions to inhibit bacterial growth. Thyme oil is used sometimes as a disinfectant and additive to household cleaners.

Lemon and orange oils can be used similarly to inhibit bacterial growth. These oils find great use in household cleaners not only to give off a great scent but to help cut through grease in the kitchen.

Eucalyptus oil also has antimicrobial and antiviral applications. A few drops added to ointments that you can apply to the skin can help with respiratory ailments as well as opening up nasal passages. I add a few drops to carrier oils such as fractionated coconut oil when making up bath recipes.

They help with Mood and Anxiety

Lavender oil and peppermint oil are great mood relaxers. To make the best use of them, you can add them to a diffuser to scent a room. You can greatly dilute them with a carrier oil such as jojoba oil to make a body spray and re-energize yourself.

These oils tend to have a calming effect on the body senses. They help with stress and mood issues. A few drops in a bath can help with your relaxation. They are also good when diluted with carrier oils and added to massage oils to relax tense muscles at the end of the day.

They Can Assist With Dental Health

One of the essential oils I have found useful in this application is cinnamon oil. I often mix a drop or two with a carrier oil and put it on my toothbrush. You can also mix it with your favorite toothpaste. It is a powerful way to kill germs in your mouth when you brush.

Mouth rinses are great uses for essential oils after you brush. Add about 10 – 20 drops of an essential oil such as cinnamon, wintergreen, peppermint or orange to a cup of filtered water and shake it up well in an enclosed jar. Rinse with a small amount of your homemade mouthwash. You may never purchase mouthwash again after you use this solution.

Help With Diabetic Neuropathy

As a diabetic, I can attest to the use of essential oils for treating neuropathy at home. I often mix it with a carrier oil and add it to baby or mineral oil to apply to my legs and feet. Rosemary, lavender and frankincense oils are the ones I found that help the best.

These combinations may also work best to relieve muscle pain. Rubbing the oil mixture on tired, achy muscles may help garner you some relief. This may be great after a vigorous workout.

Promote Better Sleep

Aromatherapy using essential oils can promote better sleep. The calming effect of an essential oil such as lavender oil can help you to relax and get great sleep.

To use an essential oil for aromatherapy, add a few drops to the water tank on your humidifier. This will help fill the room with the scent of the oil.

You can also add the scent to a body ointment where it can be inhaled by your nasal passages. Calming oil scents used in this fashion can enhance your sleep patterns when applied.

They are Great Additions to Recipes for Home Cleaners

Vinegar and baking soda (sometimes washing soda) are often the bases for natural cleaners used in the home. Mixing these with your favorite essential oil will yield great results. Two of the ones I use most often are lemon oil and tea tree oil.

Here’s a great basic cleaner for general use. Start with equal amounts of water and vinegar. Add a little liquid soap to the mixture to act as a surfactant. To that add 15-30 drops of your essential oil. Use as an all-purpose cleaner to wipe down hard surfaces.

A good carpet cleaner and one you can use to freshen mattresses involves using baking powder and a few drops of lavender oil (you can substitute lemon or orange oil if you prefer them). After mixing these well, sprinkle them on the carpet or mattress. Allow it to set a spell. Use your vacuum and vacuum the excess. The scent will linger and freshen the carpet or mattress.

You can make scrubs, furniture oils or degreaser formulas from your essential oils. Most of these work great on hard surfaces. You can spritz a bit on a microfiber cloth as a dust remover. Vinegar and a little essential oil in the toilet makes an amazing toilet cleanser. Experiment and let me know in the comments what your favorite cleaner combinations are.

Help With Digestive Issues

A bit of peppermint or wintergreen oil mixed with carrier oils and applied to the stomach can help with digestive issues. Peppermint candies are also known to soothe issues with the digestion.

A bit of peppermint or wintergreen inhaled can act as a relief for nausea. The calming effect of these oils can help headaches as well.

Some Pointers For Using Essential Oils

First, use the substances externally only. Internal use is not recommended. If you do happen to ingest an essential oil by accident, seek medical attention.

Also, mix essential oil with a carrier oil particularly for skin applications. Some good carrier oils include olive oil, fractionated coconut oil, almond oil and avocado oil. 12 to 18 drops of essential oil to an ounce of carrier oil is the standard dilution ratio.

Some essential oils can cause skin irritations. Don’t add these directly to bath water for that reason. Mix with a carrier oil and add them to bath salt crystals or liquid soap before adding to bath water. You can also add the essential oil to a bath bomb recipe.

When adding to ointments or using for antimicrobial uses such as treatment for athlete’s foot, always test a small patch of skin to check for skin reactions. Each person’s reactions may be different and you should check your own skin sensitivities to the particular oil you are using.

Essential oils are great remedies when used correctly. Don’t be afraid to experiment to find what works for you. Be resourceful. If you find a use not mentioned here, please leave it in the comments. Let’s explore these uses together. Natural essential oil use is meant to be shared – I look forward to hearing all those great stories of what works.

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  1. I love this website.The information is coming from someone who is passionate about it and explains that benefits in a factual manner. My mother was a herbalist for 40 years so I am I am well aware of the uses for essential oil and every now and again, I do like to be reminded that others feel the same way about them and that they are in use with families and people around the world.  The basic essential oils are always a good place to start with tea tree oil, lavender and eucalyptus.  I really appreciate this persons opinions, and love of the topic

    1. Right there with you Diedre. Seeing someone ‘get real’ and start using essential oils in their everyday life is a joy. One of my missions is to inform my readers that these solutions are out there. Thanks for your comment.

  2. Essential oils have been used in various different forms for thousands of years. Unfortunately, a little over 100 years ago we stopped using them as much. Fortunately, some families were so poor that they kept some of the traditions alive and the knowledge was not lost. I remember, my grandmother, when I was small insisted that we all rinse our mouths thoroughly with either wintergreen or spearmint during the winter to help reduce the chance of developing influenza. There was always sassafras tea to help with digestion. Essential oils has made a comeback in the last few years and people are finding the oils to be beneficial in ways they didn’t expect.


  3. Although I have been using essential oils personally to refresh a room for example (mint, etc) and lavender oil in the bathtub, I didn’t realize that this can even change your sleep pattern. Can you tell me how this works exactly and could it help me stay asleep or just have me go to sleep earlier? I hope it can help with my circadian ritm, very interesting! ould you also advise using any particular diffuser? thanks!

    1. Essential oils do help your sleep. You can find a diffuser here:

      I totally recommend the Urpower diffuser. It’s a great way to scent your room with your favorite oil scent. Hope this helps.

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