How to Reap Omega 3 Fatty Acids Benefits

Omega 3s are the miracle building block element that does many wonderful things in our bodies. Each cell we have is possible because of this powerhouse nutrient. Omega 3 fatty acids benefits are numerous and crucial to our health.

Benefit One: Could Help Fight Depression and Anxiety

While there is no direct definitive evidence, several studies have been conducted into the effects of omega-3 compounds on anxiety in humans. In the Journal of the American Medical Association, a look at 19 different clinical trials conducted concluded that the omega-3 nutrient EPA had a definitive effect on improving anxiety symptoms.

Similarly, it was found that people who regularly consume sources of omega-3s like fish and nuts had a reduced incidence of depression. Studies have shown that over a lifetime, eating more healthy sources of food that contain omega-3s reduces the occurrence of depression.

The Mediterranean diet is a key component that helps the consumption of omega-3 food sources. The diet encourages eating fish and olive oil, which contain vast sources of omega-3 compounds.

While you don’t have to change your entire diet, getting these sources into your daily regimen could be beneficial. Emphasize eating fish sources at least twice a week and use natural oils like olive oil to take advantage of this benefit.

Benefit Two: Could Help With Inflammation

The effect that omega-3s have on inflammation in the human body is well documented. They help fight conditions like arthritis and inflammation in joints. They do this by competing with omega-6 compounds in the food we eat. In the typical American diet, far more omega-6 compounds are consumed than omega-3s which explains the various maladies and conditions we suffer as a result of inflammation from these compounds.

While we need both omega-3s and omega-6 nutrients, focusing on increasing the amount of omega-3 sources you get every day will result in the reduction of inflammation. You can do this by increasing the amount of omega-3 food sources and through supplementation. Look carefully at the supplements you take to be sure you are getting proper amounts and make sure the supplement you take is bio available to your body so you get the full benefit.

Increasing fish sources is key to including omega-3s in your diet. Different fish species contain different amounts of omega-3s (oily species usually contain more) so do your research. We eat a lot more harmful food than we should – leaning up your diet with omega-3s can have a great effect on reducing your inflammation and improving your health.

Benefit Three: Could Help Reduce the Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke

I like this benefit the best of all when it comes to omega-3s. Heart disease kills many people each year. It is a proven fact that increasing omega-3s in the diet reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.

The word when it comes to heart health is cholesterol. Think in terms of LDL (low-density lipoprotein) – the bad type of cholesterol and HDL (high-density lipoprotein) – the good type of cholesterol. Increasing HDL in the body helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Omega-3s help with regular heart rhythm and also play a role in reducing hypertension. Lower blood pressures stress the heart less and reduce your stroke factors. Keeping a good strong and healthy heartbeat should be included in your personal health goals.

Benefit Four: Could Help Reduce the Risk of Cancer

Several studies show that increased consumption of omega-3s could help reduce the incidence of cancer. Colorectal cancer, in particular, has a reduced risk for people that get more omega-3s in their diet.

Omega-3s help somewhat with nutrient absorption. By improving the intake of badly needed nutrients for your body’s cells, omega-3s may help with cellular repair. Helping to get more of those critically needed materials where they need to go means you benefit more from a healthy diet.

Benefit Five: Support Cognitive Health and Brain Function

Another benefit of omega-3s may be their role in helping with age related mental health issues. They may also help with the maintenance of brain cells in the body.

Consuming more omega-3 fatty acids increase memory, learning, cognitive abilities and they help improve the circulation of blood to brain cells. There is some evidence that omega-3s can help improve memory issue related disorders such as Alzheimers.

Omega-3 fatty acids may also be critical in childhood cognitive development. Research indicates that omega-3s may help with issues such as ADHD, bipolar, and similar maladies.

One of the issues omega-3s may help with and help alleviate is brain fog. Indications are they play some role in mood, ability to focus and memory retention.

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Benefit Six: Support Eye Health

There is evidence that DHA may be beneficial in maintaining eye health. Omega-3 supplementation is often recommended for sufferers of dry eye.
As we age, omega-3s can be a factor in healthy aging particularly for eyes. The body becomes less efficient at producing the necessary omega-3s we need to thrive and some supplementation can be beneficial. Tear production (an element of dry eye) may be one area where proper amounts of omega-3s in the diet and in supplements can help.

Benefit Seven: Support Bone Health

Bone health is yet another benefit of proper omega-3 consumption. Omega 3 fatty acids play a vital role in helping increase bone density and as a result, older women and men with higher levels of omega-3s have lower incidences of fracture.

Omega-3 fatty acids help ease joint pain and arthritic inflammation. They play a role in bone formation and may help in reducing fat cells while at the same time helping to build bone.

There is evidence that omega-3s work with bone-building minerals in the body to help repair and build healthy bone structures. People that have higher levels of omega-3s tend to suffer less from joint pain and bone maladies.

Sources of Omega 3 Fatty Acids That You Can Add to Your Diet

  1. Salmon – Salmon is one the most nutrient dense foods out there. It is an excellent source of omega=3s. Salmon is very high in protein and critical nutrients such as vitamin D and the vitamin B complex.
  2. Mackerel – Another great fish source that is an excellent source of omega-3s that can be easily added to your diet. One serving of mackerel contains more than 500% of the daily recommended dose of omega-3s.
  3. Oysters – Oysters are one the best sources of the mineral zinc. They are a surprising source of omega-3s a lot of people don’t know about. The omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA are very abundant particularly in Eastern varieties of oysters. This is one I will definitely be looking at adding to my own diet!
  4. Walnuts – The great secret plant source of omega-3s many don’t realize are out there. You can get a great dose of omega-3s in as little as an ounce of walnuts. Putting walnuts into your diet will definitely help increase your omega-3 consumption.l
  5. Flaxseed – As little as one tablespoon of flax seed is enough to boost your daily absorption of omega-3 fatty acids. You can put this in a variety of dishes such as breakfast cereals, yogurt, salads and many more.
  6. Eggs – Yes eggs can be a great source of omega-3s. Many egg producers supplement the feed of their birds to increase the amount of omega-3s in the eggs they lay. These brands are often advertised and you can find them in your local market. One egg can provide a comparable meal to omega-3 fish sources so insure you include them as a part of an enhanced omega-3 diet.
  7. Avocados – Another very nutrient dense food. It is a plant source that you should work into your diet. It is a definite source that can boost your omega-3 intake.
  8. Tuna – Another fish source of omega-3s. Look for the fresh variety if you can get it. If you must buy canned, make sure it’s the water packed variety.

As you can see, you can get many sources of omega-3s to better your diet. Taking a regular great omega-3 supplement helps make sure you get enough omega-3s to reap all the benefits your body needs. As a health benefit, I suggest you strongly examine your own diet to include these sources and others – to your best health ever!

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  1. Many thanks for this valuable detailed post Omega 3 Fatty Acids
    about This is really a very important post. I did not know that this taran has benefits from Omega 3 Fatty Acids before. Especially Reduce the Risk of Cancer is very valuable. Keep posting like this. I will definitely share this.

  2. This article on How to Reap Omega 3 Fatty Acids Benefits is very informative. I have often heard that Omega 3 Fatty Acid possessed numerous benefits. Omega 3s for cognitive, brain, and eye health are definitely new considerations for me. I am curious to learn if it is better to consume Omega 3s via a supplement or through foods like referenced in the article? 

    1. Both. With as little omega3s as we get through diet, supplements are often needed to make sure we get enough.

  3. Hello, thank you for this informative article on omega-3 fatty acids. As a nutrition enthusiast, I have long been aware of the benefits of omega-3s for the body and mind. I have personally experienced the positive effects of consuming foods rich in these healthy fats, including improved cognitive function, reduced inflammation, and a stronger immune system.

    I was particularly intrigued by the section on plant-based sources of omega-3s, as I am always looking for new ways to incorporate more plant-based foods into my diet. Your tips on incorporating flaxseed, chia seeds, and walnuts into meals were practical and easy to follow.

    Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience with us. Your article has inspired me to continue prioritizing omega-3s in my diet for optimal health and well-being.

  4. I had no idea that Omega 3 Fatty acids had this many benefits.  I have been taking a fish oil supplement for years for my heart.  We try to eat fish prepared in some way other than frying about twice a month which is probably not enough for benefit, but it’s a start.  I am most interested in the benefit of reducing inflammation.  As I get older, my joints get more sore.  I am thinking that increasing my intake of these fatty acids my help.  At least it worth a try.  Thanks for this information.

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