
How to Eliminate Toxins from Your Environment

Most people strive for clean living. Staying away from harmful substances is a natural act. Learning how to eliminate toxins from our bodies and the environment is a step toward a better life experience. There are practical things we can do to limit our exposure.

Start With Your Food

Eating clean is an excellent way to eliminate toxins from your environment. Many people start by looking for organic foods when they shop. Highly processed foods are often loaded with substances not good for our bodies.

Look closely at the produce you purchase in the store. It may contain pesticide residues that you need to wash off if it is not organic. Washing all of your produce when you bring it home is a good practice.

Meat products can also be a source of toxins. Many people avoid red meat in favor of seafood and poultry but be careful what you purchase. Free-range poultry is always a safer alternative when you can find it.

Larger fish may contain more significant traces of mercury, a known toxin. Smaller varieties (smaller cuts of fish, sardines, and wild-caught salmon) are good choices. Eating fish 1-2 times a week is an excellent dietary choice, so do include it in your diet.

Properly consuming vegetables and fruits in your diet will give your body the critical nutrients it needs. Green leafy vegetables, cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, kale, and broccoli, carrots, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, and other vegetables are great choices.

Fruit choices like oranges, apples, melons, pears, kiwi, and others contain antioxidants that are good for you. Vary the fruits you eat daily and aim for at least three servings.

Try to stay away from highly processed foods. They often contain preservatives and additives that can wreak havoc in your body. Practice filling your grocery basket with whole foods instead.

Clean Your Home of Toxins

Start by trying to improve the indoor air quality of your home. The EPA estimates that indoor air pollutants are 2 to 5 times greater than those in outside air. Those pollutants include tobacco smoke, pesticides, dust and mold, pet dander, and others.

The first step in tackling these issues is to clean the home regularly. An excellent place to start is to have everyone who enters your home remove their shoes at the door. This keeps dirt, dust, and contaminants outside your home from embedding into flooring or carpeting.

Cleaning methods include using a good vacuum and mopping hard floor surfaces. You can also clean dusty surfaces with microfiber cloths and an environmentally friendly cleaner. Try to start a cleaning routine twice or more a week to get rid of toxins in your home regularly.

Ventilate your home by opening the windows occasionally to let in outside air. This allows fresh air to enter and provides air toxins to be eliminated to the outside. Air circulation is an excellent way to improve the air quality inside your home.

Including indoor plants in your home’s decor may be a nice touch to help with home cleaning. While there may not be any scientific reasoning behind their quality improvement, they provide a very eye-pleasing background for your home. Some plants may remove CO2 from the air, replacing it with oxygen, and some plants provide the smells of nature within your home.

Focus on exceptional cleaning in the bathroom and bedrooms. Change bedding regularly and launder bedding items. Dust and vacuum bedrooms to keep dust and toxins down. Provide some sort of ventilation, like a fan or exhaust, in baths to help with humidity. Clean out baths and showers to inhibit the formation of mold on surfaces.

Use environmentally friendly cleaners to wipe down surfaces and clean floors in the kitchen. Keep appliances clean regularly. If you use scents in the kitchen or other places, try to use natural substances like essential oils rather than artificial perfumes or fragrances to perfume the air.

Use the Right Supplements and Natural Methods to Help With

Body Toxins

Water is the first thing that comes to mind when I hear the word detox. Clean water taken in daily flushes many toxins from your system. A good water filter removes many toxins from your water and is the best way to hydrate your body properly every day.

Antioxidants and natural anti-inflammatories, such as omega-3 oils, help reduce free radical damage to your cells. A good supply of plants and vegetables in your diet provides most of your body’s needs. You must take supplements daily to get the rest of what you need. An exceptional whole multivitamin should provide a good bioavailability of these, along with vitamins and minerals.

Exercising regularly also provides a great way to remove toxins from your body. A good workout where you sweat, is a good method of eliminating wastes through your skin pores. Walking, cycling or any other form of aerobic exercise fills this need.

Some people use detoxes periodically to remove wastes from their systems. If you decide to do this, research carefully and consider the effect the detox or cleanse you are considering will have on your body.

Good Habits to Form To Help With Toxin Exposure

Personal hygiene to clean your skin and teeth is a good habit to form. Cleansing your skin removes many harmful bacteria and dirt from the surface. Moisturizing your skin may be the best way to help keep it healthy. Keeping your teeth and gums healthy by brushing and flossing on a regular basis keeps your mouth healthy.

Look at personal products such as cleansers, deodorants, and anything you use on your body to make sure there are no harmful ingredients. Do research online for anything that you cannot readily identify from the label.

Wash your hands before eating or putting anything into your mouth. Our hands can be exposed to many potential hazards without our knowledge. This is a good habit to form and may protect you from toxic exposures from substances you handle or touch.

Keep the Humidity Within Your Home Controlled

Damp and musty spaces can foster the growth of harmful mold in the home. A humidifier or air handling system can control moisture. To prevent mold growth, promptly repair leaks from water lines, air conditioning systems, and roof leaks.

Determining your toxic exposures can keep you and your family safe. Control toxic exposures to your body by eating properly, cleaning your skin and hands, and keeping harmful substances in your personal products and everyday cleaners out of your home.

Remember to keep dirt and toxins out of your home by making sure its not tracked onto floors on shoes. Clean regularly to remove dirt and dust from floors and surfaces periodically. Keep places like bedrooms and baths cleaned properly. Having an environment where your family can be free from toxins is achievable if you work at it.

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  1. Thank you for the good reminder about the importance of cleanliness. It seems like we should all know this in our day and age, but it is easy to fall into a trap that says, “There’s nothing wrong with a little dust. It never hurts anyone.” But we do breathe the air that contains all this dust. You covered many areas that I need to work on. I actually had never thought about sweat being a good way to release toxins. I lift weights at a gym, but I don’t know that I sweat very much when I go it. Maybe I need to work out a little harder. 

  2. This is a great article, Elridge. Thank you for sharing such practical tips on eliminating toxins from our environment. Your emphasis on starting with our food and clean eating habits is spot on. Eating whole foods and avoiding highly processed foods is an excellent way to eliminate toxins from our bodies.

    I also appreciate your tips on cleaning our homes to improve indoor air quality, including using environmentally friendly cleaning products and incorporating indoor plants. Your suggestions to exercise regularly and stay hydrated with clean water are important for maintaining a healthy body and eliminating toxins.

  3. I appreciate you taking the time to remind me how important hygiene is. We do inhale the air that is filled with all of this dust. You touched on a lot of topics that I need to work on. Actually, I had never considered sweating as a healthy way to discharge toxins. I will undoubtedly share this fantastic article.

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