
Some Simple Ideas for Skin Irritation Remedies

Simple skin irritation is often something that you can handle on your own. Skin irritation remedies are very common and proper skin care can solve most issues. Taking care of every day skin care problems is a process that can be followed successfully.

First Find the Cause of Discomfort

Most skin irritation usually results from any number of causes. You could be allergic to something you have come into contact with or even have an insect bite that irritates your skin.

Very often, people are aware of their skin irritation triggers. Avoid these when you can. Do you have a food allergy? Often skin irritation follows the consumption of food you are allergic to.

Dry itchy skin can result when the skin is not properly cared for. The best time to moisturize skin is after a bath or shower when the skin is moist. Use a mild moisturizer to cover your whole body to prevent your skin from drying out.

If the irritation is from an insect bite, be sure to take care of it right away. If you are unsure of the source of the bite, seek medical attention to keep it from getting worse. Do not scratch the skin as it could become infected or lead to more severe skin irritation.

Skin acne is a prevalent cause of irritation in many people. It is important not to pick at pimples or skin. Gentle cleansers are available to treat acne and other skin conditions. Always test a small patch of skin when using a cleanser to make sure you don’t have a reaction to it.

Practice Preventive Skin Care

Many skin irritations may be caused by bacteria on the surface of the skin. Simple daily cleansing often keeps these bacteria at bay and the resulting skin irritation at bay. Choose a cleanser with antimicrobial properties that does not harm your skin and use it daily.

You may try several cleansers before you find one that is right for you. Many people use bar soaps for cleaning. If you use bar soap, be very careful that it does not contain dyes or perfumes—these are often the cause of skin irritation.

I myself use body wash. These are readily available and often not as harsh as bar soaps. Again, look on the label to see what the body wash contains. Always test on a small skin spot to ensure it is compatible with your skin.

A lot of people use fractionated coconut oil when caring for their skin. It is a carrier oil that you can use essential oils with to place in your bath. It does contain antimicrobial properties and can be useful. Just test your skin to be sure it is safe for your use.

Facial scrubs are great for daily face care. They help remove dead skin cells, clean facial pores and are a better alternative to bar soaps. I usually use my facial scrub twice daily—upon waking and at night.

Feet and hands are another part of skin care people rarely consider. Clean underneath your nails and follow proper procedures (particularly on toenails) to prevent ingrown nails when trimming them. As part of my preventive skin care plan, I have a salon perform a pedicure on my feet at least once a month.

Moisturize, Moisturize, Moisturize!

Moisturizing is a must after bathing or showering. A good lotion or cream protects your skin from the elements. People with dry skin may need to moisturize throughout the day to keep their skin moist and supple.

Just like choosing a cleanser, finding a good moisturizer should be a process. Many types are available on the market, but one size does not fit all. Your skin type (oily, dry, or combination) may well affect your choice of moisturizer.

Rough skin is often the result of not correctly moisturizing it. Even lips can become chapped when left to the elements and not adequately protected by lip balm. Make it a habit to moisturize your skin daily to avoid unnecessary skin irritation.

Your Skin Care Routine

A proper skincare routine should be easy to follow. In the morning, pay attention to your face by using your choice of cleanser and following up with a moisturizer. Many women who do makeup go through a daily routine (which I won’t go into detail about), but proper face cleansing should take place first.

A small carry-around moisturizer tube is convenient for use throughout the day. Activities like hand washing often dry out skin; these little tubes are a great way to keep those hands moisturized and cared for. If you wash your face during the day, follow up with a moisturizer.

Personal products such as deodorants and sprays must be part of your skincare routine. Be sure the deodorant or spray you use does not irritate your skin, as well as perfumes and colognes.

Use your preferred cleanser to clean your skin properly in the bath or shower. After drying off, go through your all-over moisturizing routine. Be sure to cover your entire body—arms, torso, feet, legs, and hands.

A good skin routine is worth its weight in gold. Follow it religiously, and your skin will be glowing and healthy.

Watch Your Clothing and Allergies

The clothes you wear can cause skin irritation, so pay attention to the fabric you wear to make sure you are not allergic to it. Be careful of tight-fitting clothing and clothing that binds on your skin. Note any swelling or redness that results after you wear an outfit.

While I have not noted certain skin disorders that people suffer from, such as eczema, severe rashes, psoriasis, or others, if you know you suffer from them, skin care is even more paramount. Follow your prescribed treatments and let your doctor know of any condition or allergy you are not successful with treating.

Food allergies also fall into this category. Like all other skin irritation triggers, they should be avoided. If you are not sure of a particular food allergy, get tested so you know what to avoid.

If All Else Fails, Seek Professional Help

Dermatologists are doctors who treat skin disorders. If your condition does not improve on its own, seek the help of a certified dermatologist. They can often diagnose the cause of the problem and recommend a suitable treatment.

Whatever skin conditions you are suffering from, there are strategies to help you deal with them. Just be proactive and get help if you need it.

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  1. Thank you for this helpful and informative article. Practicing daily skin care is not difficult, but it should become a habit like brushing your teeth. I agree that the best time to moisturize is after a bath or shower when your skin is damp and your pores are open. Since I have started doing this my skin is not dry anymore like it used to be. Also, some creams are definitely better than others. I find using one with an oil of some sort in it helps a lot.

    1. Thanks for the tip on the moisturizer with oil. I have been hearing a lot of folks suggesting using the fractionated coconut oil mixed with essential oils as part of their moisturizing routine. Definitely something to look for in a moisturizing cream.

  2. You mentioned food allergies as a possible cause of skin irritations. Sometimes a change of diet can be a big help in improving the skin’s condition. I personally know some people whose skin became radiant and blemish free just from changing their diet. That was a good call. In their case, they chose to go keto or carnivore but different people could have different sensitivities.

  3. Great information in this article. thanks for sharing. It is very important, as you mention, to identify the cause of the skin problem, to solve it from its origin. One of the common causes that we don’t usually identify in time is the health of our gut. An imbalance of the intestinal flora caused by an inappropriate diet can cause skin problems such as eczema, psoriasis, acne and skin rashes.

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